Girls holiday in Bad Hofgastein

3 days of pure bliss with your girls

Grab your best friend, mother or sister and treat yourselves to a stay at Sendlhofer’s. Enjoy the Jungebad together, the cosmetic treatment with Gertrud Grubers natural cosmetics and indulge in LUKE’S Wohnzimmer any time of the day.

to 30.11.2023 | DURATION: 2 NIGHTS / 3 DAYS | FROM € 216,-  PER PERSON

Enjoy your time out

Enjoy a relaxing weekend together and enjoy the time in our nature spa and our garden with mountain view and fill your bellies in LUKE'S Wohnzimmer. Just treat yourself to something good.


  • Travel Dates

    until the 30th of November 2023

  • Included

    Daily breakfast in LUKE’S Wohnzimmer at our varied breakfast buffet with market character

    1x p. p Gasteiner Jungebad
    1x p. p Treatment with Gertrud Gruber Cosmetics (a 25 min)

  • Prices

    from € 216,- p. p. for two nights (available for every room and apartment category)

Prices are per person. There’s an additional city tax of € 2,40 per person per night.

Our offers for you

nur für kurze zeit

Spare 25% auf deine Buchung

Buche bis Montag den 4. März deinen Urlaub und spare 25% auf die Buchung. 
Koste die letzten Wochen der Saison aus und plane einen letzten Trip in die Gasteiner Skiwelt. 

Wir freuen uns auf dich!

Familienurlaub Sommerferien Salzburgerland
Weil Ferienzeit die schönste Zeit ist! Entdecke unser Familienangebot für den perfekten Sommerurlaub!